Our team includes former prosecutors in the U.S. and Europe and has worked on some of the most significant cases to date in the UK. Thanks to our past governmental and recent defence experience, our lawyers are known and respected by leading prosecutors and regulators in the U.S., Europe and the Asia Pacific region.
Suite 100 San Francisco, LA 94107
Mon - Sat (8am - 7pm) Sunday CLOSED
We always support you, you can contact us 24/7
La corretta gestione dei rapporti di lavoro è un valore aggiunto per l’azienda.
In tale prospettiva forniamo consulenza ed assistenza ad imprese e privati per tutte le questioni inerenti il rapporto di lavoro, sia autonomo sia subordinato, dalla fase negoziale del contratto alla consulenza relativa al suo svolgimento e cessazione, anche in sede contenziosa, affiancando il nostro assistito nelle relazioni e consultazioni in sede sindacale.
L’attività stragiudiziale comprende, inoltre, la consulenza in tema di riorganizzazioni e ristrutturazioni aziendali, patti di non concorrenza, redazione e negoziazione di contratti ed accordi transattivi, salute e sicurezza sul lavoro, nonché degli aspetti giuslavoristici connessi ai contratti di appalto.
If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.
If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.
If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.
If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.
If you are the victim of a trucking accident, understanding who is responsible for your injuries can be complicated. There is often a web of players that could be liable, and figuring out who they are isn’t always easy.